CAN Community Health Logo
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  • Orlando

    1301 W. Colonial Dr.
    Orlando, FL 32804
    O: (407) 246-1946
    eFax: (855) 895-5749

    Telehealth Appointments are Highly encouraged

    Clinic Hours:
    Mon.- Thurs. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
    Fri. 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

    Pharmacy Hours:
    Mon.- Thurs. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
    Fri. 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

    Pharmacy phone number: (800) 939-2022 Toll Free, (407) 768-1281 Local


    Open 8:30 am - 8:00 pm
    January 9th
    February 13th
    March 13th
    April 10th
    May 8th
    June 12th
    July 10th
    August 14th
    September 11th
    October 9th
    November 13th
    December 11th
    Open 8:30 am - 12:30 pm
    January 11th
    February 8th
    March 8th
    April 12th
    May 10th
    June 14th
    July 12th
    August 9th
    September 13th
    October 11th
    November 8th
    December 13th


    Rapid Start Medical Care
    Comprehensive Primary Care
    Ryan White Provider
    Medical Peer Navigation
    Ryan White Eligibility
    Medical & Non-Medical Case Management
    Food/Nutrition Services


    Onsite pharmacy available.


    STI testing is provided by Miracle of Love. FREE STI testing will be limited to 3 syphilis tests and 3 gonorrhea/chlamydia tests per client per calendar year. Any additional testing will incur a fee at the time of testing. Fees for additional STI Testing Gonorrhea/Chlamydia – $40 per test Syphilis – $25 per test Both tests combined – $50.

    Rapid and Home HIV Testing
    Rapid Viral Hepatitis Testing
    Viral Hepatitis Treatment


    PrEP is a medication that assists in preventing HIV when taken as prescribed.

    mail-meds logo

    Click here for more information on our Orlando partner Miracle of Love.


    HIV Prevention and Education
    Patient Care Coordination
    Sexual Health and HarmReduction Education
    On-Site Lab Draws
    Transportation Assistance
    Housing Assistance & Linkage
    Linkage To Care
    nPEP Services
    Mobile Unit Outreach Available
    Sliding Fee Discount Program

    Our Dental Affiliate in Orlando -Nikfar Family Dental

    We accept most Medicare, Medicaid, commercial and Private Insurance. We also maintain various grant and uninsured programs, please inquire for more details.


    PrEP Medication for Orlando, FL

    At CAN Community Health, we provide expert care and support for individuals seeking PrEP treatment in Orlando, FL. Our PrEP medication is a revolutionary way to prevent the transmission of HIV and safeguard your health. With diligent adherence to our medication regimen, you can continue to enjoy a fulfilling and active lifestyle without fear of contracting HIV.

    Our team of highly-trained healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with the highest quality care. We try to stay up-to-date on the latest research, advancements, and breakthroughs in PrEP treatment. Our experienced team members are here to guide you through every step of the PrEP medication process, from the initial consultation to the ongoing management of your care.

    At CAN Community Health, we understand that individual needs and preferences vary. That’s why we work with you to develop a plan that works best for you. We take pride in our commitment to providing compassionate and respectful care to all individuals.

    Don’t let HIV stand in the way of living your best life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how our PrEP medication can keep you protected.

    Vincenzo Scotto D’Antuono, MD

    Vincenzo Scotto, MD, an Infectious Disease Specialist with Health First's Holmes Regional Medical Center and Health First's Palm Bay Hospital.

    Dr. Scotto is a board-certified infectious disease specialist whose areas of special focus include HIV care, Staphylococcal infections, and prosthetic joint infections.
    Currently, he is affiliated with Health First's Holmes Regional Medical Center and H... read more

    Demetrius Kujiamini Jifunza, MS, LMHC
    Demetrius K. Jifunza has lived in Sarasota/Manatee Counties since 1989. In recent years, he has become involved in several organizations that lend to his passion for helping others. He is the Vice President of the Sarasota County Branch NAACP, a member of the Sarasota Ministerial Association, former Board Chair of CAN Community Health of Sarasota, a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, and co-chair of the crimin... read more
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